Swing Check Valves

Swing check valves contain a gate which swings away to allow flow in one direction.

When the flow is stopped, the disc will swing back onto the seat, automatically closing the valve as the pressure decreases. Swing check valves allow for full flow as the gate opens fully when under pressure. The top inspection cap allows for easy servicing and cleaning of the gate. Our swing check valves have a stainless steel body and disc and have a maximum pressure of 230 PSI.

They also have a temperature rating from -20 degrees celsius to 180 degrees celsius. Swing check valves have parallel female BSP threaded ends. We stock swing check valves from ½ inch right up to 4 inch.

Swing check valve animation

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Swing Check Valves

Swing check valves contain a gate which swings away to allow flow in one direction.

When the flow is stopped, the disc will swing back onto the seat, automatically closing the valve as the pressure decreases. Swing check valves allow for full flow as the gate opens fully when under pressure. The top inspection cap allows for easy servicing and cleaning of the gate. Our swing check valves have a stainless steel body and disc and have a maximum pressure of 230 PSI.

They also have a temperature rating from -20 degrees celsius to 180 degrees celsius. Swing check valves have parallel female BSP threaded ends. We stock swing check valves from ½ inch right up to 4 inch.

Swing check valve animation

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