What Does Leak Before Press Mean?

Our RapidPress seals up to sizes 54mm contain small ridges. These ridges create leakage before the seal is pressed which is termed as a ‘leak before press’. By having this feature it offers an added layer of security during system start-up. In the event of an unpressed or improperly pressed joint, the seal will visibly leak, providing an immediate visual cue for potential issues that require fixing.

Leak before press small ridge in seal

Our RapidPress seals up to sizes 54mm contain small ridges. These ridges create leakage before the seal is pressed which is termed as a ‘leak before press’. By having this feature it offers an added layer of security during system start-up. In the event of an unpressed or improperly pressed joint, the seal will visibly leak, providing an immediate visual cue for potential issues that require fixing.

Leak before press small ridge in seal

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